Monday, November 16, 2009

Matchmaking etiquette if you are one of the victims?

I'm not familiar with the etiquette of being matchmaked. Can someone explain please?

Matchmaking etiquette if you are one of the victims?
Make sure you trust the person setting you up so you know you can trust the person you will be going out with. Who knows you may have a good time and if you don't it may make a good ‘bad date' story.
Reply:Just go, enjoy a free meal, and laugh about it later. If it's a match, great, if not, you got a free meal and a good laugh. You can't really go wrong. Just make sure that you two drive seperately and meet wherever this date is happening. You don't want to be in a car with someone you don't know, or them knowing where you live.
Reply:I am ot sure I understand your question. If you are asking what it is, it is when a friend or acquaintance sets you up to go on a date with someone else, either a double date or a , "here, call him and go out." As far as the etiquette of it goes, well, a friend should set you up for YOUR benefit, not theirs.

As far as whether or not you should DO this. Well, if you trust the person who is setting you up, that's good. How well do they know the person. Is it a friend of a friend of a friend, because if it is, you honestly should go as a group, not alone.

My last blind date was my husband. We have been married for 10 years, very happily.
Reply:You make it sound bad. Take charge of the date, Honey, You tell him where to go, what time, maybe what to where!!....Hey, he's paying! your date could be your little puppet!! Don't just make a regular ho-hum get-together, Make him your little slave! have fun with it!! You're not a victim, you could be the slavemaster!
Reply:DON'T DO IT! The last time I went on a blind date I ended up marrying her 6 months later. It was the biggest mistake of my life and cost me 10 of the best years of my life....

As they said on the TV show Lost in Space "Danger Will Robinson, Danger!"
Reply:It depends entirely on you.

I have a friend who tries to set me up with guys all the time, and I don't mind it. In fact, I take it as a compliment that she thinks I'm someone that she would like to set her guy friends up with -- that is, that she sees me as good enough for them. But I also appreciate my friend's attitude that, while she will introduce us, she doesn't ptu any pressure or expectations on what happens next.

The way I see it is that they're not beating down my door to take me out on a Friday night, so why not? I can get along with almost anyone for one date. It's a good excuse to have a good time.

So I'd say, if your friend wants to set you up with someone and you are comfortable with it, you can tell them that it's okay, and then the contact can be made. If you're not comfortable with the way it's going down, say no.
Reply:How is one blind date going to ruin you for life?

Go on the date, if you don't like the other person, just tell the happy matchmakers thanks for trying but it didn't work out.

losing teeth

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