Monday, November 16, 2009

Matchmaking Girls???

I am a 28 year old, single, straight, successful, educated, male from NY. I have never had a girlfriend and I have only gone on a total of two dates in my entire lifetime. I have not even experienced my first kiss yet! LOL! I know that may seem a little funny! I am very involved in my career, community and in furthering my education. I am so busy on a daily basis, that on the days that I don't have work or school, I am just so tired that I sleep most of the day. I simply don't have the time to really think about girls I could ask out, much less actually go out and start a relationship. Here is the question: Why is it that when female coworkers, acquaintances, etc., find out about a guy being single they want to set him up? They ask him why he does not date and act appalled when they discover he never had a girlfriend. I'll start dating if I ever truly develop the interest. I am simply focusing on the more important aspects of my life at this time.

Matchmaking Girls???
The crowd remains the crowd and the exceptional achieves something great!

I have a lot of respect for guys that are into academics.

I have been living away from my parents in different parts of the world since I was 19!

I miss my parents and my family! I am single and I thank God for giving you such good circumstances!

Don't worry about what others say!

Also, you will see that majority of people engage in sex outside marriage, which is wrong as per most religions. So, just because the majority do it, does it make the wrong right? The answer is No.

Look at the Indians - they value family ties above everything and yet they are so successful.

40% of Indians in the USA are graduates compared to 28% of Whites. They hardly date and their parents find their match and they have the lowest divorce rate (almost 0%)! Does that prove something?

Be as you are! Good luck!

P.S. - I'd love to be your friend (I'm 100% straight)

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