Saturday, November 14, 2009

Connecting to Xbox Live, but not matchmaking?

Heres a full relay of my situation.

(My network setup: Modem%26gt;Router%26gt;WirlessPC%26gt;Bridge to XBOX)

As of yesterday after the update Microsoft did, my Xbox 360 will connect me to XBL, but will not connect me to matchmaking. Me being a big COD4 fan, this poses big problems. I called 1-800-4my-xbox 2 times yesterday, and am about to call for a third in about 10 muinets, but I'm greatly disappointed as all they told me to do in regard to my router is either

A. Wait to see if the updating problems have been resolved via checking the Xbox support page.

B. Contacting my routers manufacturer, and opening UDP88, UDP3074 %26amp; TCP3074.

I did both A and B, but doing so did nothing, and in fact the problem was with me having to update the firmware of my router (WRT54G V5). After doing so my NAT appeared to be Moderate/Strict and so I enabled DMZ to fix that.

I couldn't test out the Xbox live last night, but I woke up this morning to see my brother playing. Yet when I log on my account, it didn't work.

Connecting to Xbox Live, but not matchmaking?
Xbox sent out a message a few days ago about the fact that on the 21st April you will not be able to go online for around 8 hours this affected us all and so the server and everything should be abck up and running tonight. Try it again then if not its probably a hardware error something to do with too many updates or too little updates. The games only work if they are 100% up to date online and if an update hasn't taken effect then the game will not work.
Reply:I'm having the exact same problem, ever since the update. Sorry I don't have an answer for you, Im just letting you know that its not just you.
Reply:well maybe it didnt work cuz they just finished the update for xbox live...........try it again in a few hours

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